What Is Preventive Dentistry?

One-third of adults under the age of 65 had gone more than a year without a dental cleaning or exam. Having routine dental care is key to maintaining a healthy smile and preventing various oral diseases.

Preventive dentistry might not be a common term the average person uses but it includes different things you should do daily to keep your smile healthy. Maintaining good oral health is key to keeping your entire body healthy.

This guide will discuss what preventive dental care is where the best dentist to visit in the Redlands area.

What Is Preventive Dentistry?

Preventive dentistry is a combination of good habits you do at home and routine dental check-ups. Preventive dental services are typically covered in full by most dental insurance plans.

Some of the services that are considered preventive include:

  • X-rays
  • Oral evaluations
  • Fluoride treatments
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Sealants
  • Educational instruction

During your routine dental cleaning, your dentist and hygenist will do various techniques to clean your gums and teeth. These include:

  • Removing tartar and plaque build-up
  • Looking for signs of gum disease or decay
  • Screening for oral cancer
  • Examining your tongue for various issues

Stay on top of your dental cleaning appointments by scheduling them for every six months. Your dentist might want to see you more often, depending upon your circumstances.

Being proactive about preventive dentistry is essential for a variety of reasons. It’s less expensive than restorative dentistry procedures, like crowns or fillings.

Staying on top of your dental health helps you maintain healthier gums and teeth. You’re less likely to encounter tooth loss as a result of decay or gum disease.

There are also a lot of nerve endings in your mouth. As a result, oral health problems can be very painful. Many major issues can be prevented with the right type of proactive dental care.

Preventive Dentistry You Can Do at Home

You can make many preventive dentistry techniques part of your daily routine at home. You should brush your teeth two times a day. Make sure you floss once a day, usually before you go to bed.

Pick toothpaste and toothbrushes that have been approved by the American Dental Association. You’ll notice an ADA seal on the packaging. Toothbrushes and toothpaste that have been approved have gone through rigorous testing to prove they’re effective and safe.

You should also incorporate a mouthwash that’s approved by the ADA. Mouthwash helps clean different areas of your mouth that your toothbrush can’t access.

Avoid consuming a lot of acidic or sugary drinks or food. The sugars can build up quickly on your teeth, resulting in cavities.

You’ll also want to add a fluoride rinse to your oral hygiene routine. Some public water supplies include fluoride. If you live in a rural area or are on well water, you’ll want to supplement with another product.

Make an Appointment With Michelle Wang D.D.S.

Preventive dentistry can provide your teeth, gums, and entire body with a variety of benefits. Be proactive about your dental health as you work to avoid major oral issues.

Contact us to schedule an appointment.