Teeth Whitening in Redlands, CA

Looking for a brighter smile to make the very best of first impressions?  Or are you downright embarrassed by yellowed, browned, or spotted teeth?  Teeth whitening is the #1 most common form of cosmetic dentistry, providing bright inviting smiles and greater self confidence to thousands upon thousands of people each year.  Whenever you are ready to whiten your teeth with the best possible results, just call Dr. Michelle Wang’s office.  We are conveniently located in the quaint and beautiful center of downtown Redlands, and just minutes away from Loma Linda, Yucaipa, and Highland.


How Do You Whiten Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening can be described as restoring a natural tooth shade, or even going beyond to a “Hollywood white” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tooth_whitening).  Tooth discoloration most often comes from smoking, foods, and beverages (especially red wine, tea, soda, and coffee), and simply getting older.

There are countless whitening products and several types of procedures for dental professionals, all based on some form of oxygenating bleaching agent.  Hydrogen peroxide is the strongest and commonly used.  Carbamide peroxide is the most popular in consumer products.  It is less effective, but has fewer side effects such as tooth sensitivity or gum irritation.


Over-the-Counter Whitening Products

You can find countless products to whiten your teeth with varying degrees of effectiveness at the supermarket and drug store (http://www.webmd.com/oral-health/teeth-whitening#1).  Toothpastes and rinses rarely achieve more than 1 shade of brightening while kits with pens, gels, or bleaching strips having an around 4% peroxide solution may achieve 2 to 3 shades.  But your dentist can achieve as much as 8 shades of brightening over a much shorter period.  That is because for consumer safety over the counter products all use low concentrations of bleaching agent, yet they can still cause harm if improperly used.

Most products are used twice daily and take anywhere from 1 to 30 minutes each time.  Pens, gels, and strips usually have notable results in about 2 weeks and full results after about 4 months.  Rinses and toothpastes may take several months before you notice any changes.

TIP:  Consult with your dentist if you have natural tooth colored fillings, crowns, or severe stains on any front teeth.  Home treatment will in all likelihood make these stand out and create a less attractive smile.


Redlands Professional In-Office Teeth Whitening Procedures

A dentist’s skill and training allow them to safely use more powerful bleaching agents (typically a 40% peroxide solution) for quicker and better results while protecting your gums.  To whiten your teeth we begin with routine cleaning (scaling and polishing), protect your gums, then, carefully proceed with bleaching.  A single treatment lasting as little as an hour is often enough to achieve your desired results with many shades of brightening.

Take-Home Whitening Treatments

As an in-between balance of cost, time, and effectiveness we can provide you with a take-home teeth whitening kit.  We will take impressions and make custom trays to deliver and hold the viscous bleaching gel on the teeth.  Custom trays minimizes trauma to the gum tissues because they are carefully trimmed to the edge of the soft tissue.  Detailed instructions will be given and wear times range from 30 minutes to overnight.


Dr. Michelle Wang’s Redlands Family Dental Practice

Located near Redland’s quaint and beautiful downtown, her office is extra-convenient to Redlands residents and just 5 miles from Loma Linda and Highland, and 10 miles from Yucaipa.  Dr. Wang and her staff provides general, preventive, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry with an emphasis on personalized dental care.  We book only one patient at a time, and will educate you on simple home dental care to keep that bright white smile.