What to Expect From Your Root Canal Recovery

Did you know that it’s possible to promptly return to work, school, and other activities after getting a root canal?

A root canal is a common dental procedure used to save a severely damaged or infected tooth.

During the procedure, the dentist removes the infected or damaged pulp from inside the tooth, cleans the root canals, and fills them with a special material.

While root canals have a reputation for being painful, modern techniques and anesthesia make the procedure relatively painless. To help you plan for your root canal recovery, we have written a guide. Read on to find out more.

How Long Will I Be Numb?

During a root canal treatment, your dentist will numb the area around the affected tooth with a local anesthetic to minimize root canal pain.

The numbing effect can last for several hours after the procedure. This is why it’s important to avoid eating or drinking anything until the feeling returns to prevent accidentally biting your tongue or cheek.

Depending on the type and amount of anesthesia used, the numbness can last anywhere from a few hours to most of the day. But you will not need to worry about taking time off of work or missing school.

You should wait until the numbness wears away before exercising.

Your dentist will advise you on how to manage any numbness after the root canal treatment.

Can I Eat With the Tooth With the Root Canal?

Root canal aftercare is an essential part of the recovery process. You may experience some tenderness and sensitivity in the treated tooth and surrounding area.

But it’s usually safe to eat with a tooth that has received a root canal treatment.

However, it is a good idea to avoid hard or crunchy foods that could irritate or damage the tooth.

Stick to softer, easy-to-chew foods for the first few days after the procedure, and gradually reintroduce harder foods as your mouth heals. Your dentist may provide additional instructions for your specific case.

Will I Need Another Treatment?

In most cases, a root canal treatment is a permanent solution to a damaged or infected tooth. Once your dentist completes the procedure, the affected tooth should no longer cause pain or discomfort.

But in rare cases, a tooth may not respond to the treatment or may become re-infected.

If you experience persistent pain or swelling after your root canal recovery time has passed, make sure to schedule a follow-up appointment with your dentist.

They can assess the situation and determine if additional treatment is necessary.

Understanding What Root Canal Recovery Looks Like

Contrary to what many people believe, root canal recovery does not take very long.

Once the numbness goes away, you can play sports and exercise. You also won’t need to worry about taking time off of work or missing school. Right after getting a root canal, you should eat foods that are easy to chew.

Are you looking for a skilled cosmetic and family dentist? If so, we can help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us to get started today!